Prayer at Trinity Church Modbury

Prayer at Trinity Church Modbury

Trinity Church Modbury Daily Prayer Points

Would you like to get daily prayer points so that you can pray well for your church? Get the PrayerMate app and sign up to our feed here.

Trinity Network Prayer Points

Would you like to receive monthly prayer points by email? Sign up here.

Join the List of People Praying

There are about 60 people at Trinity Church Modbury who are on standby to pray when they receive a text message prayer request. If you would like to join this group and be on standby to pray, please text Stephen George on 0429457702 and say “Please add me to the list of people praying”

Ask the List of People Praying to Pray

If you would like to request prayer (e.g. for an evangelistic opportunity or a job interview or a health issue), you can do that by texting your prayer request to Stephen George 0429457702 (except on Fridays or when he is on leave – then send it to Mark Curran ‭0435149382‬). He will then forward your message on to the 60 or so people in our church family who are ready and keen to be praying for the needs of our church community.

Please make sure you have permission to send the prayer request if it is about someone else. Please keep it brief (maximum of 40 words), edifying, and at least somewhat relatable/relevant/intelligible to our church community (so that our prayers can be meaningful and informed). Please use the following template: