There’s Not Enough Love & Respect
  • 2-18 Golden Grove Road, Modbury North

  • Modbury School Hall

There’s Not Enough Love & Respect

Across Term 3 2020, we put this question to our friends…

What’s the biggest challenge we’re facing?

One of the top 4 responses was…

There’s not enough love & respect

To start 2021, we’re going to wrestle with one of the top 4 responses each Sunday morning in January as we ask, “where’s God in all this?”

The biggest challenge we’re facing is…

  • January 10: There’s so much greed & inequality
  • January 17: Our Environment is suffering
  • January 24: Covid19
  • January 31: There’s not enough love & respect

Everyone is welcome to come along and join us as we consider this together.

Covid 19