CMS Summer Encounter 2018
  • Corner of Rothesay Avenue & Dorene Street, St Marys

  • Edwardstown Baptist Church

CMS Summer Encounter 2018

Our God is a missionary God—He wants all people to know Him! Summer Encounter is a great way to start the year by re-calibrating our lives with God’s missionary heart. It is a unique, interdenominational 2½ day conference, with programs for the whole family.

Summer Encounter seeks to connect the local church with what God is doing around the world. CMS seeks to encourage local Christians in cross-cultural gospel ministry, both where we live and to the ends of the earth, because CMS want to see A World That Knows Jesus.

​From 18 – 20 January, CMS invites you to join them for an encounter with our missionary God and his workers among the nations: to see what he is doing around the world, to consider what part you will play in this work, and to be renewed by his passion for his glory.

Summer Encounter is a ministry of CMS SANT and is held at Edwardstown Baptist Church.