Base Camp
  • Walker Flat

  • Ankara Youth Camp

Base Camp

Who? School years 7-12, friends are welcome.

What? At Base Camp in 2018 we will dive into Jonah with Anya Kutchen (a leader at FIX and a Bible college student). We will have talks, discussion groups, singing, activities and food!

When? 5pm Friday 16th March (bring dinner or eat beforehand) at Trinity City carpark to get on the bus. We get back around 4pm Sunday 18th March.

Where? We’re going to Ankara, Walker Flat. Transport is via chartered bus.

Cost? $130 per camper. Cost includes all accommodation, food, activities and a camp shirt. If money is a problem, speak to David Harrington.

Bring? Clothes, bathers, toiletries, towel, pillow, sheets/sleeping bag, Bible, pens, money for bookstall and a sea themed costume.

Other: Base Camp is a ministry or Trinity City, Trinity North East and Trinity Grove churches and is under the supervision of Tim Blagg and Dave Harrington. The camp is staffed by Fusion and FIX leaders and camp parents. The ratio of campers to leaders is approximately 5:1.

For more information, contact David Harrington – 0400 949 931