Adelaide Men’s Convention
  • Concordia College
    24 Winchester st
    Highgate, SA

  • Concordia College Chapel

Adelaide Men’s Convention

Adelaide Men’s Convention is an annual event where men from many different churches in Adelaide and beyond come together to be encouraged with Scripture-based teaching. The aim of the day is to help men grow strong in the Lord Jesus.

AMC is organised by an inter-denominational committee who want to see men giving God-honouring leadership in marriage, family, church, work and community. They want to encourage men’s ministry in the local church and see men winning other men for Christ.

Speaker: David Cook

David served as Principal of Sydney Missionary and Bible College, NSW for 26 years, and has since been involved in itinerant pastoral ministry alongside serving as an assistant minister of the Chinese Presbyterian Church, Surrey Hills NSW.


$40 earlybird (by 26th April)
$40 concession
$45/$25 father/son discount
$45 group registration (4 or more)
$50 standard